Maria from West Midland escorts has been working for the agency for the last six years.
It has been fun and she says that she has earned a lot of money. Now, she feels that it is time that she moved on, and would like to travel. But, our clever young lady has more plans than just traveling. She would actually like to be a travel journalist and take on some professional assignments, she says. She loves to write and take photographs, having done a course in photography, she is really confident with a camera. Maria says that she feels really excited about it.
At the moment she says I am running my own travel blog, and it is going really well. I love the fact that I can go on holiday and do a right up about my holiday. Many of my colleagues here at West Midland escorts of follow my blog and that is great. I even have a forum where people can get in touch with me. Recently I discovered that you can use Adwords as well to generate some much needed income from a blog. I have installed that now and the money is beginning to trickle in a cent at a time.
There are so many things that you can do with travel and if you want to work on line. I have been telling my friends at West Midland escorts that they should save all of their holiday snaps and tell me about their holiday. Then I can put up the photos on my site with a bit of text as well. It would attract even more visitors to my site and it would be exciting for them to see their photos online. It would sort of make them feel like they are part of the site as well.
I have actually started to sell a few articles on travel already. Last year during my holiday from West Midland escorts, I went to Southern Spain and traveled around a bit. I took some great photos of Rhonda and the Alhambra and other places. Believe it or not, I got in touch with a travel magazine and they wanted to buy my photos and story. I did not make a lot of money, just about $100 but I got a buzz out of it. It was then I realized I might even have a little business here. A business that would let me pursue my favorite interests, blogging and traveling.
Tomorrow I am going to hand in my notice to West Midland escorts and arrange for my flat to be rented out. I ma going to be traveling light with my lap top and back pack, and my first destination will be Japan. After that I am planning to travel to Egypt and photograph that. I am really excited about it and I am looking forward to this new part of my life. Perhaps it is working for an airport escorts agency that has finally given me the complete travel bug as I like to call it.
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